We were looking for something quick and interesting to do for Mom’s last couple of days visiting, so decided to take the short trip to visit the Ritter Sport store.  Ritter Sport is a chocolate company (their chocolate bars are sold all over the world), and the headquarters and factory is in Waldenbuch, which is only about half an hour from our house.

Ritter Sport

Ritter Sport

It was snowing, but we didn’t let that stop us.  Hey, can’t let a little snow get between us and chocolate!

We had a little trouble finding the store itself–there were obvious signs for the complex, but we found what we think was the headquarters building first.  We asked the nice lady at the desk where the Schokalade store was and she directed us.

At the Ritter Sport store

At the Ritter Sport store

The shelves weren’t quite full, but we were able to find a lot of yummy chocolate!  They have some additional varieties in the Ritter Sport store that you can’t find in other stores, so we got a couple of those, but also got some of our favorites–like my personal favorite, Pfefferminz.

Upstairs from the store is a chocolate exhibit, where you can learn about how they make the chocolate, and a little bit of the history of the company and the candy.  “The story of chocolate” starts with the cacao tree, and goes through turning the beans into chocolate, where the fillings come from, and how they make the chocolate bars–complete with little films and even a “sniff and smell” section.  It ends with an exhibit of the different Ritter Sport packaging through the years.

Cacao Tree

Cacao Tree

Chocolate scent

Chocolate scent

Original "Sport" candy

Original "Sport" candy

You can even get a free sample (today it was Hazelnuss) delivered by a little truck from the model Ritter Sport factory.

Just a quick trip, but the exhibit was interesting to see, and of course the chocolate is worth it!


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